Thursday, April 26, 2007

In Shaw: Florida Market Meeting

From the Frozen Tropics blog:

Mari from In Shaw's got a post re: the Florida Market meeting last night. Check out her view, and I'll post something on the topic later. We had a good turnout last night, but there were still lots of empty seats (I attended the second meeting). I think the Office of Planning did a great job of getting the word out. Lots of people stood up to ask questions/give comments. I heard that around 10 people gave comments at the first meeting. It is really terrific that they are doing a study like this.

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Farmers Markets and Public Markets: Advancing their role in urban and rural communities

Sunset Valley Farmers' Market in Austin, Texas,
This sign bids customers farewell at the Sunset Valley Farmers' Market in Austin, Texas.
Photo Credit: Kelly Fuerstenberg. For Grit Magazine.

From Project for Public Spaces:

Fourth Annual Briefing & Reception
Thursday, May 3, 2007
5:00 - 6:00pm Briefing and Q&A
1302 Longworth Building
Reception to follow (ends 7pm), 1300 Longworth Building

-Collin Peterson (D-MN)
-Robert Goodlatte (R-VA)
-Joe Baca (D-CA)
-David Scott (D-GA)
-Lincoln Davis (D-TN)
-Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)
-Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
-Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
-Bobby Rush (D-IL)

-Elaine Brown, Executive Director, Michigan Food & Farming Systems (MIFFS)
-Fred Broughton, Small Farms Program Manager, South Carolina Department of Agriculture
-Linda Boclair, Operations Manager, Camden Area Health Education Center/Camden Farmers Markets
-Steve Davies, Senior Vice President, Project for Public Spaces
-Kelly Williams, Associate, Project for Public Spaces (MC)
-Tazuer Smith, Washington Representative, Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

The benefits of farmers markets and public markets are well known: from providing profitable markets for farmers; to improving consumer access to affordable, locally-grown fruits, vegetables and other farm products; to reinvigorating communities by creating vibrant social and economic centers of activity. However, as the number of markets around the country expands, the needs for planning and coordination, farmer training, and nutrition education for consumers are all too apparent.

Attend the briefing to learn about:
-Farmers markets? success and needs as seen from the final year of PPS's 3-year, $3 million grant program for diversifying farmers markets and public markets;
-How investments in state farmers markets associations are building local food systems and building the capacity of hundreds of farmers markets to improve their markets;
-How farmers markets across the country are working to address health disparities and improving access to fresh, locally grown food in low-income, food insecure communities;
-Opportunities in the upcoming Farm Bill to address the needs of markets, farmers, and consumers.

Taste a sampling of farm fresh foods direct from the Takoma Park Farmers Market in Takoma Park, MD; the Byrd House Market and William Byrd Community House in Richmond, VA; and the California Farmers Market Association in Walnut Creek, CA.

-Southland Farmers Market Association - Los Angeles, CA
-Community Farm Alliance - KY
-Michigan Farmers Market Association - MI
-NY State Federation of Farmers Markets - NY
-New Mexico Farmers Marketing Association - NM
-South Carolina Direct Marketing Association - SC
-Camden Area Health Education Center - Camden, NJ
-Just Food/Brooklyn?s Bounty - Brooklyn, NY
-Community Farm Connection - Wenatchee, WA

Space is limited
Please RSVP with your name, organization, and e-mail (and the same for any guests you may bring) to Ayan Ali at Project for Public Spaces, 212-620-5660 or via e-mail at

Public markets and farmers markets are encouraged to contact to visit their congressional representatives prior to the briefing and to bring them to the event.

For more information on visiting your representative, contact Alan Hunt at the Northeast Midwest Institute

Project for Public Spaces (PPS), with support from the Ford Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Co-sponsored by the Northeast-Midwest Institute, the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, the Community Food Security Coalition, and the Farmers Market Coalition


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Florida Avenue Market Planning Study

Litteri's (Mike the owner, restocking)
Mike the owner, restocking at Litteri's, Florida Market District, DC. Photo by Ken Firestone.

As part of the Florida Market redevelopment legislation, the City Council funded a "small area planning process" for the area, to help mediate the various proposals.

Here is the public meeting schedule

First Public Meeting
Tuesday April 24th, 2007
3:30-5:30 pm -- for Market stakeholders, vendors, etc., especially, but the content at the two meetings is the same.
6:00-8:00 pm -- open to all

The Office of Planning invites property and business owners within the Florida Avenue Market and neighborhood residents and stakeholders around the Market area to help us create development recommendations for this site.

Our goal is to produce recommendations for:
• Urban Design/Public Realm
• Uses
• Parking
• Greening
• Historic Preservation.

2nd Public Meeting
Wednesday May 30th, 2007
Highlights of Possible Redevelopment Session
3:30-5:30 pm
6:00-8:00 pm

Both public meetings will be held at:

Gallaudet University
Foster Auditorium in the Student Academic Center
800 Florida Avenue (enter at 8th Street NE)

Contact: Deborah Crain or Jeff Davis at the Office of Planning, 442-7600

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

That's Pretty Much the Problem

Bye bye US Beef building, hello 11 story thingy
A sign recently went up on the former site of the US Beef Building. So, I'm talking about Florida Avenue right across from the impossible to miss Two Rivers Charter School. So, if you are walking from the NY Ave metro stop, this is how you would enter the Market. The sign which advertises for the Gateway Market Residences, brought to you by Sang Oh [Choi!] Development. Mr. Choi is, of course, the man (or men, since John Ray is involved) with the vision behind New Town at the Capital City Market. Also, on the sign were a phone number & a website (both of which I wrote down, but do not have in front of me). There was also a hookline: "Pretty soon you won't recognize the place. Promise."

Here is the website:
Sang Oh Development, LLC

Here is a map of the Market that you can compare to the map on Choi's website.