Friday, May 25, 2007

Updated Market Guide

get it here.

Interactive Market

I found this through a Technorati search:
This guy Josh Williams has an interesting interactive feature (including one video and a couple of audio slide shows) about the Capital City Market.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Florida Avenue Market Study - Third Public Meeting - Weds. May 30

(Text from the DC Office of Planning, photo from Elise Bernard)

Florida Market Study
Third Public Meeting
Weds. May 30th
3:30 to 5:30 pm AND 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Please come for a presentation on a conceptual plan for the Market, based on research & community input at our first two public meetings. The concepts presented are just the first step, opening further questions to explore. Korean & Mandarin interpretation available at 3:30pm, & sign language interpretation available at

(The same presentation will be given twice to accommodate a wide array of the public—You may attend either session.)

Gallaudet University, Foster Auditorium, 800 Florida Ave, NE

Next Steps: We will be analyzing the various findings of our study over the summer. Keep an eye out for further public meetings early this fall. In the meantime, please contact us with any thoughts!

Background: The Office of Planning (OP) has initiated a study of the Florida Avenue Market and is engaging property and business owners within the Market, as well as residents, institutions and other stakeholders surrounding the Market. The purpose of the Study is to conduct an existing conditions analysis, an economic analysis of the wholesale and retail market functions, and an operational analysis. Additionally, the Study will provide demand projections for other potential uses on the site, resulting in various redevelopment/revitalization scenarios for consideration.

The Study will also address sustainable development (green technology), urban design, transportation and historic preservation issues. Before any decisions are made regarding the future of this site, it is critical that the District and all affected parties have a full and balanced understanding of the opportunities, constraints and fiscal impacts of redevelopment, and that the public is significantly involved in considering these findings.

The Florida Avenue Market is at a critical juncture of its history. Your participation in the coming months is critical for creating a successful and responsive plan!

For more information or to RSVP, please contact: Deborah Crain, Ward
5 Neighborhood Planner, 202-442-7615 or deborah.crain@ ; or
Jeff Davis, Ward 6 Neighborhood Planner, 202-442-7704 or
jeff.davis@dc. gov.


Monday, May 21, 2007

What the Florida Market looked like in 1918

It was a military encampment called Camp Meigs. This is a panorama photo. Click on it to enlarge. Note College Hall and the buildings on Kendall Green at Gallaudet University on the upper left, and the U.S. Capitol in the distance.

Camp Meigs, 1918


Friday, May 04, 2007

Florida Avenue Market Study First Presentation

Public meeting notice, Florida Market
Meeting notices posted in the DC Farmers Market building at the Florida Market.

From Elizabeth Nelson of ANC6A:

A presentation on the Florida Avenue Market Study is now available on the ANC6A homepage. It is a large file and may take a while to open.
I talked to someone the other day about the meetings. He told me that at both sessions, about 2 people spoke in favor of the New Towns proposal.

He said one of the problems is that people in Ward 5 feel that the area is supposed to contribute to the rest of their Ward, yet the closest residential section to the Florida Market is in Ward 6, and that many people from Ward 6 attended the meetings. It creates a sticky political situation though. Councilmembers tend to be territorial.

I also noticed in the Market that there is some advocacy going on...
Petition at Litteri's

The petition included a copy of the New Towns proposal.
The petition at Litteri's includes a copy of the New Town proposal
It could be argued that the language of the New Town proposal misrepresents the planning process that is underway.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another community meeting scheduled

Deborah Crain, the Neighborhood Planner for Ward 5, told us that there has been another public meeting scheduled for the Florida Market study--current conditions and possible recommendations for going forward.

Date: May 14, 2007
Time: 6 - 8pm
Place: Galludet University, Student Center, 800 Florida Avenue

She said the meetings last week were very well attended, with about 200 people at the first meeting, and 150 people at the second.

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